Page 38 - Homeowners Manual - Fresno County
P. 38
A PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT must be filed with each conveyance in the County
Recorder’s office for the county where the property is located. The PCOR is a two-page questionnaire
requesting transfer information on the property; possible exclusions from reassessment; principals involved in
the transfer; type of transfer; purchase price and terms of sale, if applicable; and other such pertinent data.
There are several tax savings and exclusions from reappraisal that are triggered by the information provided on
this form.
PROP 60/90 55 AND OLDER Propositions 60/90 amended section 2 of Article XIIIA of the California
Constitution to allow a person who is over age 55 to sell his or her principal place of residence and transfer its
base year value to a replacement dwelling of equal or lesser value that is purchased or newly constructed within
two years of the sale. These propositions are implemented by Revenue and Taxation Code section 69.5.
Proposition 60 allows for the transfers of a base year value within the same county (intracounty). Proposition 90
allows for the transfers of a base year value from one county to another county in California (intercounty) if the
county has authorized such a transfer by an ordinance.
As of November 7, 2018, the following ten counties in California have an ordinance enabling the intercounty base
year value transfer:
Alameda | Los Angeles | Orange | Riverside | San Bernardino | San Diego | San Mateo | Santa Clara | Toulumne |
Proposition 110 is a constitutional initiative passed by California voters that provides property tax relief for
severely and permanently disabled claimants when they sell an existing home and buy or build another.