Page 38 - Homeowners Manual - San Francisco County
P. 38


                                  COMMUNITY                 JOINT            TENANCY IN            PROPERTY
                                    PROPERTY             TENANCY              COMMON                RIGHT OF

         Parties                 Only married couple  Two or more persons  Two or more persons   Only married couple
                                                                           or entities

                                                      Undivided equal      Equal or unequal
         Division                Ownership interests   shares in the entire   shares in the entire   Ownership interests
                                 are equal                                                       are equal
                                                      property             property

                                 Title is in the                           Each co-owner has     Title is in the
         Title                   “community”  — each   Title is to the entire   title to his or her   “community” — each
                                 interest is equal    property             undivided interest    interest is equal

                                                      Co-owner’s interest
                                 Consent of the other   may be conveyed
                                 spouse required      without consent but   Each co-owner’s
         Conveyance              except for the       conveyance by one    interest may be       Consent of other
                                 co-owner interest                         conveyed separately   spouse required
                                 transferred upon     co-owner without the   without consent
                                                      others terminates the
                                                      joint tenancy
                                                      Purchaser acquires
         Purchaser’s Status      Purchaser acquires   grantor(s) interest;   Purchaser acquires   Purchaser acquires
                                 title of community   if less than all, joint   grantor(s) interest  title of community
                                                      tenancy is terminated

                                 On co-owner’s        On co-owner’s death,   On co-owner’s death,   On co-owner’s death,
                                 death, 1/2 belongs
         Transfer Upon Death     to survivor and 1/2   the entire tenancy   his or her interest   the entire tenancy
                                 transferred by will or   belongs to the   passes by will or     belongs to the
                                 intestate succession  survivor            intestate succession  survivor

                                 Heirs or devisees are                     Heirs or devisees are
         Successor’s Status      tenants in common    Last survivor owns   tenants in common     Surviving spouse
                                 with surviving spouse  property           with other co-owners  owns property

                                                      Co-owner’s interest
                                 Co-owner’s interest                       Co-owner’s interest   Co-owner’s interest
                                 may be sold at       may be sold at       may be sold at        may be sold at
                                                      execution sale to
         Creditor’s Rights       execution sale to    satisfy creditor. Joint   execution sale to   execution sale to
                                 satisfy creditor.    tenancy is broken.   satisfy creditor.     satisfy creditor.
                                 Purchaser becomes    Purchaser becomes    Purchaser becomes     Purchaser becomes
                                 tenant in common.                         tenant in common.     tenant in common.
                                                      tenant in common.

                             PARTNERSHIP                                           TRUSTS

                  Subject to the terms of the partnership agreement        Subject to the terms of the trust

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