Page 47 - Homeowners Manual - Santa Clara County
P. 47
Electric/Gas PG & E 800�PGE�5000 Electric/Gas PG & E 800�PGE�5000
Water San Jose Water Co� 408�279�7900 Water City of Morgan Hill 408�779�7221
Water Great Oaks Water 408�227�9540 Garbage Recology South Valley 408�842�3358
Water SJ Municipal 408�535�3500 Phone Verizon 800�483�4000
Garbage Green Team/West SJ 408�282�4400 Phone AT&T 800�288�2020
Garbage Green City Sanitation 408�988�4500 Internet Verizon 855�875�8219
TV Cable Comcast 800�934�6489 TV CharterCommunications 866�731�5420
Phone AT&T 800�288�2020 Fire Non-Emergency 408�778�3259
Fire Non-Emergency 408�277�8950 Police Non-Emergency 408�779�2101
Police Non-Emergency 408�277�8900
SANTA CLARA Electric/Gas PG & E 800�PGE�5000
Electric/Gas PG & E 800�PGE�5000 Water SJ Water Company 408�279�7900
Electric Silicon Valley Power 408�615�2300
Garbage West Valley Collection 408�283�9250
Water City of Santa Clara 408�615�2300 Phone Frontier Communications 844�334�6256
Garbage Mission Trail Garbage Coll� 408�727�5365 Fire Non-Emergency 408�378�4010
TV Comcast 800�934�6489 Police Non-Emergency 408�354�8600
Phone AT&T 800�288�2020
Fire Non-Emergency 408�615�4900 PALO ALTO
Police Non-Emergency 408�614�4700 Electric/Gas Palo Alto Utilities 650�329�2161
Water Palo Alto Utilities 650�329�2161
CAMPBELL Garbage Palo Alto Utilities 650�329�2161
Electric/Gas PG & E 800�PGE�5000 TV Cable Xfinity 800�xfinity
Water SJ Water Company 408�279�7900 TV Cable Direct TV 855�802�3473
Garbage West Valley Collection 408�283�9250 Phone AT&T 800�288�2020
Phone AT&T 800�288�2020 Fire Non-Emergency 650�329�2184
TV/Cable Comcast 800�934�6489 Police Non-Emergency 650�329�2413
Electric/Gas PG & E 800�PGE�5000 Electric/Gas PG & E 800�PGE�5000
Water City of Gilroy 408�846�0420
Water San Jose Water Co� 408�279�7900
Garbage Recology of South Valley 408�842�3358
Sewer Cupertino Sanitation 408�253�7071
TV Cable Comcast 800�934�6489
Recycling West Valley Recycling 408�283�9250
TV Satellite Direct TV 800�531�5000
Phone AT&T 800�310�2355
Phone AT&T 800�222�0300
CATV Comcast 800�945�2288
Sprint 800�211�4727 Fire Non-Emergency 408�867�9001
Phone Verizon 800�837�4966 Sheriff Non-Emergency 408�299�2311
Non-Emergency 408�846�0370
Police Non-Emergency 408�846�0300