Page 3 - Title Insurance Explained With Closing Tips For Buyers and Sellers
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     This booklet aims to shed light on the intricacies of title   premium that provides coverage for as long as the policyholder
     insurance, a form of insurance that protects against financial   or their heirs have an interest in the property. Other types
     loss from covered defects in the title to real property. Whether   of insurance will generally assess risk based on statistical
     you’re a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or simply   predictions, while title insurance focuses on risk elimination,
     curious about the ins and outs of real estate transactions,   rooting out potential title issues during the title search
     understanding title insurance can help to provide invaluable   process before a title policy is issued. This unique approach
     peace of mind. Title insurance safeguards your property rights   to risk management sets title insurance apart from other
     and protects your investment from unforeseen legal claims   insurance products, underscoring its critical role in real estate
     covered by the title policy. So, let’s embark on this journey to   transactions.
     unravel the complexities of title insurance, ensuring you’re
     well-equipped to navigate your next real estate venture with
     Unlike other insurance policies, such as auto, home, or life
     insurance, title insurance is distinctive in its structure and
     function. While other insurance policies protect policyholders
     against potential future events and charge a recurring
     premium, title insurance protects against events that occurred
     to the title of the real property in the past. It is a one-time
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