Page 15 - Southern California Top Requested Flyers
P. 15
Prior to Escrow Signing: At Escrow Signing:
☐ Let your Escrow Officer know the best way to contact ☐ All individuals vested in title must be present at the
you (telephone numbers including home, cell or work signing. If this causes a conflict please let your
and email). Escrow Officer know as soon as possible.
☐ Fill out Statement of Information form, if required ☐ All must present valid identification in the form of
(provided by Escrow officer). a CURRENT Driver’s License, Passport, Department
☐ Fill out Information Request form (provided by of Motor Vehicles Identification Card, or other
Escrow Officer). Be sure to provide complete and
accurate account numbers, social security numbers and approved identification card provided it has a
Homeowners Association (HOA) information, if any. This photograph, description of the person, signature
information is needed to help avoid delays in obtaining and an identifying number.
payoff demands. ☐ If your sales proceeds will be wired into an account,
☐ Let your Escrow Officer know if the property being you will need to provide the name of the institution,
sold is NOT your primary residence. routing number, and account number.
☐ Advise your Escrow Officer if someone
on title is deceased.
☐ Notify your Escrow Officer if you
will be out of town during the
escrow period.
☐ If applicable, complete
Seller’s Affidavit of
Non-Foreign Status.
Note: With the receipt
of the buyers’ loan SELLER’S
documents your Escrow
Officer will contact you to CHECKLIST
set up the signing
A start to finish checklist on what you’ll need to provide
and what to expect throughout your Escrow transaction. Side Note
If uncertain who to turn to
for answers below are the
best sources for most
common questions:
Details of your
purchase agreement
Your Real Estate Agent
Final amount you will net at closing
Your ORTC Escrow Officer
Property Taxes
Your Lender or Mortgage Company
Income (personal taxes)
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
03/2021 | ©2021 Old Republic Title | OR1421-DI-V1 | Old Republic Title is providing this information as a
free client service and makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Old Republic Title strongly
recommends that consumers confer with their title insurer as underwriting requirements vary among
companies and further, obtain guidance and advice from qualified professionals, including attorneys
specializing in Real Property, Trusts and/or Title Insurance to get more detailed, and current information as
to any particular situation affecting them.