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You can opt for more enhanced coverage within protects you against potential losses or damage you
your owner’s policy. Standard coverage protects you can experience to the structure of your home or its
against financial loss and related legal expenses for contents during an insurable incident.
common title defects that occurred prior to the date
of the title insurance policy. Enhanced coverage
includes all the standard coverages, plus even more Home buyers do not get to
for maximum protection, some of which protect choose the title company.
against matters that may transpire after the date of
the policy. Under the terms of the Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), the buyer
generally has the right to choose the title company
Title insurance requires a when the property is purchased with the assistance
monthly or annual premium. of a federally related mortgage loan. The property
seller may not require the buyer to purchase title
Unlike most insurance policies, there is no insurance from any specific title company, unless it
monthly or annual premium. Title insurance is a one- has been instructed that the seller will pay for both
time cost you pay at closing when you purchase or the owner’s and loan policies associated with the real
refinance real property. estate transaction.
Title insurance is expensive. I’ll never need to use
title insurance.
The one-time premium for an owner’s title According to the American Land Title
policy is based on the purchase price of your home Association, title insurance policyholders have filed
and accounts for only a small percentage of your over 730,600 claims to date.* In 2018, the title industry
closing costs. Coverage is provided for as long as you spent over $615 million* defending the property rights
and your heirs own the property. When you add up of its policyholders and compensating their losses
the benefits compared to the costs, an owner’s policy due to covered title defects.
of title insurance is quite reasonable.
With so many misconceptions about title insurance,
finding a team of professionals that you can trust is
Paying all cash eliminates imperative. At Old Republic Title, we are committed
the need for title insurance. to providing quality service and being there for you
if your property rights are threatened. To learn more
An all-cash purchase eliminates the about title insurance and working with Old Republic
requirement of a mortgage loan and therefore Title, contact a location near you.
eliminates the need for lender’s title insurance.
However, an all-cash transaction does not eliminate
the risk posed by unknown title defects. An owner’s
policy protects you against possible loss or damage
from a covered title defect.
Homeowner’s insurance
and title insurance offer the
same protection.
Title insurance protects a buyer’s right
to ownership and a lender’s investment. On the
other hand, homeowner’s insurance is a policy that