Page 165 - ALTA Endorsements Guide
P. 165

A L T A                   E N D O R S E M E N T

                1-06  to  9.6.1-06  9.7-06  to  17.1-06  17.2-06  to  28.3-06  29-06  to  36.6-06  36.7-06  to  46-06

                                     ______ foot ________ easement along the ________ property line of the Land as
                                     set forth in the instrument recorded _________.

                         EASX04      Easement -- No Stated Width -- Along Property Line
                                     ____________ easement along the ___________ property line of the Land as set
                                     forth in the instrument recorded ____________.

                         EASX05      Easement With Stated Width - Not Located
                                     ______ foot  __________ easement set forth in the  instrument recorded

                         EASX06      Easement No Stated Width - Located
                                     ______ easement along  __________ set forth in the instrument recorded

                         EASX07      Easement With Stated Width - Located

                                     _______ foot _________ easement along ________ set forth in the instrument
                                     recorded ___________.

                         EASX08      Easement No Stated Width - Not Located

                                     _________ easement set forth in the instrument recorded ___________.

                         EASX09      Easement on Map or Plat
                                     That certain _________ easement for ________ and incidental use as shown on
                                     the map or plat of ___________.

                         EASX10      Standard Exception to Unrecorded Easements

                                     Rights or claims of easements not recorded in the Public Records.


                         ENCX01       Facts Disclosed by Survey


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