Page 10 - Title Insurance Explained With Closing Tips For Buyers and Sellers
P. 10



     Public records provide constructive notice to everyone as
     to the rights and interests of parties in a particular piece of

     In the United States, we maintain a public records system
     that varies from state to state. This system is controlled by
     “recording statutes.” Simply, this means that in each county
     or local jurisdiction, there is a public office where people may
     have their deeds, or other written instruments relating to title,
     recorded in permanent record books. The public records
     provide constructive notice to everyone as to the rights and
     interests of parties in a particular piece of property.

     There may be other rights and interests that are not disclosed
     by the public records (e.g., unrecorded marriages, unknown
     heirs, forgery, etc.).
     The public recording offices and their records constitute the
     most important source of information about title to real estate.
     The offices in which these public records are maintained have
     different names in different states. In fact, usually there are
     several different offices in each county. One office may be for
     the recording of deeds, mortgages and documents pertaining
     exclusively to land. Other offices in the same counties may
     contain the records of other matters affecting the title to the
     land, such as records relating to taxes against the properties
     or, in some instances, recorded surveys.

     In a very limited number of states, the Registered Land    This title, however, is not guaranteed by the state. The Torrens
     System (also known as a “Torrens System”) is used. Under   System has been abandoned by most states, primarily because
     this system, a court proceeding has been brought naming    the associated court proceedings complicated title transfer and
     parties who have an adverse interest in the property. If   delayed real estate sale proceedings, and caused extra and
     everything in the proceeding is completed and handled      unnecessary expenses.
     properly, the plaintiff is said to have a good title as of that date.
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