Page 11 - Title Insurance Explained With Closing Tips For Buyers and Sellers
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        Title insurance issued by Old Republic Title provides a broad range of benefits to the parties

        involved in a real estate transaction.

     Benefits for the Purchaser of Real Estate                  Benefits for the Seller
     The purchaser of real estate needs protection against serious   An owner of real property whose interest is insured by an
     financial loss due to a defect in the title to the property   owner’s title insurance policy has the assurance that the title
     purchased. For a single, one-time premium, which is a modest   will be marketable when selling the property.
     amount in relationship to the value of the property, a buyer can
     receive the protection of a title insurance policy – a policy that   Benefits for the Real Estate Broker
     is backed by the reserves and solvency of the Company. A title   The title insurance company and the real estate agent have a
     insurance policy will cover claims arising from title problems   mutual interest to satisfy all principals in the transaction. From
     that could have been discovered in the public records, and   the broker’s standpoint, the efficient and safe transfer of title
     “non-record’ defects that could not be discovered in the record,   will result in client satisfaction. Apart from the security that title
     even with the most complete search.                        insurance offers, most brokers have experienced instances in
                                                                which title insurance personnel have enabled them to close
     A title insurance policy will not only protect the insured owner,   transactions that otherwise may have been delayed.
     but also that person’s heirs for as long as they hold title to the
     property. The Company will not only satisfy any valid claim   Benefits for the Home Builder
     made against the insured’s title, but it will pay for the costs   By providing various title insurance services and information to
     and legal expenses of defending against a title claim up to the   the home builder, the title insurance industry assists the builder
     policy limit.                                              in identifying and evaluating building and use restrictions,
                                                                easements, etc. Old Republic Title removes title problems that
     Benefits for the Lender                                    may arise and facilitates prompt disbursement of construction
     A policy of title insurance provides a mortgage lender with a   funds from the construction lender. All of these services
     high degree of safety against the loss of security as a result   ultimately rebound to the benefit of the buyers of newly
     of a title problem. This protection remains in effect until the   constructed homes.
     mortgage is paid off in full. Old Republic Title also provides
     lenders with in-depth expertise on a wide variety of title-related
     matters to facilitate the mortgage loan process.
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