Page 183 - ALTA Endorsements Guide
P. 183

A L T A                   E N D O R S E M E N T

                1-06  to  9.6.1-06  9.7-06  to  17.1-06  17.2-06  to  28.3-06  29-06  to  36.6-06  36.7-06  to  46-06

                         REGX02      Regulatory Agreement
                                     Terms and provisions of regulatory agreement recorded __________.



                         REVX01      Reversionary Clause
                                     Reversionary or forfeiture clause set forth in instrument executed by _________
                                     to _________ recorded __________.  The Company makes no representation of
                                     the present ownership of this interest.

               Setback Lines


                        SBLX01       Setback Line on Map
                                     ___________ foot setback line along the ___________ side of the Land as shown
                                     on or described in the plat of the subdivision recorded  ____________.

                         SBLX02      Setback Line in Document
                                     ____________ foot setback line along the ___________   side of the  Land as
                                     shown by or described in the instrument recorded ______________.

                        SBLX03       Setback Line on Survey
                                     __________ foot setback line along the _________ side of the Land as reflected
                                     by survey dated __________ made by ___________, surveyor.

               Standard Coverage

                         STAX01      Parties in Possession

                                     Rights or claims of parties in possession not recorded in thePublic Records.

                         STAX02      Easements
                                     Easements or claims of easements not recorded in the Public Records.

                         STAX03      Survey Exception


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