Page 177 - ALTA Endorsements Guide
P. 177

A L T A                   E N D O R S E M E N T

                1-06  to  9.6.1-06  9.7-06  to  17.1-06  17.2-06  to  28.3-06  29-06  to  36.6-06  36.7-06  to  46-06

                         MINX09      Minerals Located Below Stated Depth

                                     The document recorded _________ states that it affects that portion of the Land
                                     lying below a depth of _________ feet from the surface of the Land.

                         MINX10      Community or Pool Lease
                                     A community oil and gas lease, executed by _______, as lessor and _______ as
                                     lessee, recorded _________.

                         MINX11      Surface Waiver
                                     The right of surface entry and  exploration  has  been  waived or released by
                                     document recorded _______.

                         MINX12      Conditional Surface Waiver

                                     The right of surface entry and exploration are subject to the terms contained in
                                     document recorded _________.

                         MINX13      Possible Surface Waiver

                                     The terms  and provisions of that surface  waiver agreement, executed by
                                     _________, recorded ______.

                         MINX14      Mining Claims Broad Exception
                                     Unpatented  mining  claims;  reservations  or  exceptions  in  patents,  or  an  act
                                     authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water.

               Mobile Homes

                         MOBX01      Except to Mobile Homes

                                     The Land shall not be deemed to include any house trailer, manufactured home,
                                     mobile home or mobile dwelling on the land.

                         MOBX02      Unpaid or Unassessed Taxes
                                     Taxes for the year _________ and prior years, due to failure to assess the house
                                     trailer, manufactured home, mobile home or mobile dwelling on the Land.


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